Today was my first front page article on their forum though which may not seem like much, but is pretty cool for me.
How to become a Pro on your first day for $200 (active for $300)
The process was kind of fun. I came up with the idea a couple days ago and did a little research and typed it up. Then I posted it in the staff section on the forum and the other writers gave feed back on corrections that it needed. I made some changes and tried doing some formatting which turned out pretty bad. Lykke who is one of the owners of the forum fixed the formatting for me and made a banner for the beginning which made it look a lot more professional. In the end it turned out pretty nicely (I think,) and now I am less intimidated by the thought of doing other articles.
Here is a re-post of the article.
How To Become A Pro On Your First Day for $200
(active for $300)
Disclaimer:This is not how to be UBER, but this will allow you to play at a level which most people in the game are comfortable with on a long term basis which will earn you the skills needed to become the UBER of your dreams if you are willing to put in the time and money.
~1000ped for skills + ~1000ped for gear (only investment gear, this doesn't include guns or ammo)
Skills and gear to use the Korss H400(L) handgun to its max efficiency which will let you hunt drones, atrox, feffoids, armax, etc. on Calypso. Werewolves, Motorhead Security, High level Vampires and Vixens, mid level Zombies on Rocktropia as well as a LOT of the mobs on Next Island including some drakes.
Skills needed (offense only, this doesn't cover defensive skills)
- 30pedTT of Handgun = 270ped
- 6pedTT of Weapon Handling = 48ped
- 2pedTT of Inflict Ranged Damage = 23ped
- 39pedTT of Anatomy = 305ped
- 43pedTT of Laser Weapon Technology = 324ped
- 2ped decay on Implant inserter per chip = 10ped
Total Cost of Skills = 980ped
Gear needed
(there are lots of options but this is a common and fairly cheap setup)
- Vivo T1 = 9ped
- FAP 50 w/ mu = 55pe
- Shogun with markup = 180ped
- Mark.6A plates w/ markup = 210ped (optional, you don't need this if your not going to hunt bots)
- Mark.5B plates w/ markup = 350ped (optional, you don't need this if your only going to hunt bots)
- Omegaton A104 amp w/ markup = 180ped
- NeoPsion 10 Mindforce Implant = 21.99ped
- Teleportation Chip I w/ markup = 90ped (you can get low tt ones if you want to be cheap and only spend ~10)
- JUELZ MIC-Killa SG2(L) w/ markup = 57ped (seems to be the cheapest per shot long range tagger right now)
Total Cost of Gear = 1153ped (943ped with only 5Bs and no 6As) (803ped with only 6As and no 5Bs)
Gear + Skills = 2133ped (1923ped with only 5Bs and no 6As) (1783ped with only 6As and no 5Bs)
- It would take a normal couple of hours a day player a few months to reach this stage of skills and gear on a marginal budget.
- A hard core grinder could achieve this in a week, but they would probably loose quite a bit of PED in the process.
- It would take a conservative non-depositing player about a year to achieve this.
The biggest disadvantage (besides cost) to chipping in to this level right away is that you wont have any of the peripheral skills and defense skills you would have gained by skilling naturally.
Within a few weeks of hunting at this level you will gain those skills anyways, so I don't think it is too big of a deal.
The other disadvantage to chipping in is pride. Its great to say you reached such and such goal naturally with no chips. But on the other hand its nice to say "I am such and such level" as well as actually being able to hunt at that level early in your carrier.
Skills and gear can not make up for knowledge of the game, you should still study and research what you are going to do even when you have them, otherwise you will just be a "rich idiot."
If you are playing on Calypso I would highly recommend hunting Drone gen1-3 (North of Jason Center) for a while until your dodge skills increase some and then move up to gen 1-5(south of Zychion Citadel).
If you are on Rocktropia you are a pioneer and no one has figured out a "best" mob to camp yet, but you can hunt Werewolves, Motorhead Security, Medium Zombies and high end Vampires and Vixens. (or Dragons in a Team).
If you are on Next Island you are also a pioneer and there are plenty of mobs you can kill including the Sea Artist Pirates. (I would recommend talking to Manny, Corey or Magyar for more info on Next Island mobs if you are there)
To do any real hunting you will need about 100more dollars(1000peds)
- Full TT Korss H400(L) w/ markup = 203ped
- Save the rest for ammo and repairs = 797ped
300ped of ammo should last you an hour or two of hunting.
- You can expect a bad run to bring back about 50% of your costs in loot.
- You can expect a good run to bring back about 150% of your costs in loot.
- You can expect that in time your average return will be around 80-90%
You MUST sell your loot for Markup to make up for losses vs the TT.
You MUST budget from each run for ped to replace your Korss when it breaks.
Since you wont have any defensive skills yet, you MUST use your "tagger" weapon to bring just one mob at a time to you for killing, if you get 2 or more on you at once your armor decay bill will be very high.
It takes years to learn and relearn all the intricacies of this "Real Cash Economy" but hopefully this demonstrated how even on your first day you can play with the "big boys"
An example of how the skills help you.
A-3 Justifier Mk.II + A104 statistics with 0 skills
2.153dmg/pec and 19.38dmg/sec
Korss H400(L) +A104 statistics with hit and dmg at lvl 15.5
2.941dmg/pec and 33.67dmg/sec
Disclaimer #2: This is the bare minimum for skills needed at this level and does not include evade/dodge or other defense skills. If you can afford them, defense skills are always useful in lowering your defense bills and allowing you to spend more time shooting and less time healing.
Awesome Article Narfi..... Now to scrounge up 300 bux to dump into the game LoL. At least If i do so now i have a descent guide as to what to do with it. I think the skills are the hard part